Research directions for reducing the resistance force to the movement of a wheeled power vehicle


  • Evgeny Vladimirovich Marshanin Far Eastern Higher Combined Arms Command School
  • Evgeny Evgenievich Kuznetsov Far Eastern State Agricultural University
  • Sergey Vasilievich Schitov Far Eastern State Agricultural University
  • Olesya Pavlovna Mitrokhina Far Eastern State Agricultural University
  • Natalya Petrovna Kidyaeva Far Eastern State Agricultural University
  • Vyacheslav Nikolaevich Kovalevsky Far Eastern State Agricultural University



power vehicle, tractor, wheel mover, traction properties, soil, stickiness, friction force, resistance force to movement, efficiency


The article discusses the efficiency of the use of energy means largely depends on the traction properties developed by them, which directly affects the realized traction force on the hook. Studies have established that the tangential thrust force realized by the energy means is spent on overcoming the forces of resistance to movement and overcoming the forces of resistance of the agricultural machine. In turn, the resistance strength of an agricultural machine largely depends on the physical and mechanical properties of the soil, the width of the grip and the speed of movement, especially on clay and heavy loamy soil types. It should be noted that this type of soil has a significant impact on the strength of resistance to movement, which is due to the fact that at the same time there is an additional force associated with overcoming the viscosity forces that arise between the soil particles when they are separated from each other. In addition, when the soil adheres to the propellers of the energy vehicle, there is an additional energy consumption for the promotion of additional flywheel masses with an increase in the mass of the propeller. Research and industrial observations have established that one of the ways to reduce the force of resistance to movement on clay and heavy loamy soils is the timely cleaning of wheel movers from the soil adhering to them. In the presented article, the issue of reducing the force of resistance to movement due to purification (purification) of the tire tread of the wheel mover is considered.


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