The impact of abiotic and key environmental factors on barley yield


  • Dmitry Vladmirovich Mitrofanov Federal Research Centre of Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences



barley, air temperature, precipitation, dry days, hydrothermal coefficient, soil moisture, yield


The purpose of the study is to determine the influence of agrometeorological factors (temperature, precipitation, dry weather), soil moisture, agrofon nutrition and precursor on the yield of barley in crop rotations and permanent sowing. The research is carried out from 2017 to 2022 on southern chernozems in the central zone of the Orenburg region. The scheme of the experiment consists of six options for growing barley on a fertilized and natural agrofone of a stationary experimental site for multi-fields and monocultures, laid down in 1990. The following methods of research are used in the experiments: field, thermostatic-weight method and dispersion analysis. As a result of observations, the air temperature during the growing season of barley is 20.7 ° C, precipitation – 111-112 mm, dry days – 68. The hydrothermal coefficient is 0.5 units, which characterizes the growing season as medium dry. The level of spring soil moisture in the meter layer of soil is from 97.0 to 123.8 mm in all variants of the experiment. In the second variant of the experiment, an increase in the yield of barley is observed in the aftereffect of millet and on the fertilized agrophone is 1.65 t, on the natural one – 1.51 t / ha. The yield of barley of the other variants is in the range from 1.26 to 1.61 t/ha. There is an increase in grain from mineral fertilizers by 0.03-0.27 tons for all variants of sowing barley. The best effect of atmospheric precipitation, spring reserves of soil moisture, precursors, mineral fertilizers on the yield of barley in the aftereffect of millet, peas and durum wheat in crop rotations has been established. The reasons for the decrease in the yield of permanent sowing of barley have been identified. The results of the study are of crucial importance in the development of agriculture and the production of feed grain in the steppe zone of the Southern Urals.


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