Indicators of metabolism in the body of purebred and crossbred yearlings


  • Vladimir Anikeevich Pogodaev North Caucasus Federal Scientific Agrarian Center
  • Elena Aleksandrovna Kits North Caucasus Federal Scientific Agrarian Center



sheep, crossbreeds, blood, metabolism, biochemical parameters, enzymes


The need to improve the genetic potential of sheep in the meat direction is dictated by increasing the efficiency of sheep breeding due to the production of high -quality lamb. Why in recent years, meat sheep, including Dorper breed sheep, have been imported to Russia. In this connection, with which a comprehensive study of the monthly animals obtained by inter -ended crossing of the sheep of the Kalmyk Kurdishporoda and the Dorper breed is relevant. The aim of this work was to determine the characteristics of metabolism in the body of purebred and monthly re-obtained, obtained as a result of crossing the purebred female individuals of the Kalmyk fatty breed with male individuals of the Dorper breed. Scientific and production experience was conducted during 2022 on the basis of the KFK "Arl", the Republic of Kalmykia, where two re-sampling were formed from the general number of sheep, the experimental groups of the re-yield, which includes 15 heads of purebred animals of the Kalmyk fatty breed and 15 heads of estates Perevyariki of blood of which was a 1/2 -Kilmy Kurdish breed and 1/2 Dorper breed. It was established that the horses are superior to the purebred peers of the Kalmyk chicken rock through the breed that the estates surpass the purebred peers in the total blood serum of the protein by 2.33 %, its albumin faction by 7.02 %, and the ? and ?-globulin fractions At 9.54 and 2.10 %, respectively. According to the activity of alanine aminotransferase  by 8.16%, aspartate aminotransferase by 6.67 %, concentration of urea by 5.7 %, in terms of creatinine is 20.6 %. This indicates that they have a more intense nitrogen metabolism, and therefore more active protein metabolism. The absence of intergroup distinctions established by the studies in the content of glucose in the blood serum is explained by the fact that they have an equal ability to absorb carbohydrates from feed and preservation of glucose in the blood, which is one of the most perfect mechanisms.


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