Openly living phytophages and entomophages of the agrocenosis of winter soft wheat in the forest-steppe of the Samara region


  • Ivan Ivanovich Sharapov Samara Federal Research Scientific Center RAS, Volga Scientific Research Institute of Selection and Seed-Growing named after P. N. Konstantinov
  • Yulia Andreevna Sharapova Samara Federal Research Scientific Center RAS, Volga Scientific Research Institute of Selection and Seed-Growing named after P. N. Konstantinov



winter wheat, phytophages, agrocenosis, species composition, squads, families


Studies were conducted to study the species composition of open-living insects of phytophages and entomophages in the agrocenosis of winter soft wheat on varieties Povolzhskaya 30 and Povolzhskayaniva. The studies were conducted in 2020-2022, which differed in meteorological conditions, in the forest-steppe zone of the Samara region. In the agrocenosis of winter wheat, 28 species of phytophagous insects were identified, which belonged to 16 families. The most numerous in terms of species composition were the families: Chloropidae, Chrysomelidae ,Aphididae, Scutelleridae. The families were small in species composition:  Phlaeothripidae, Pentatomidae, Berytidae, Miridae, Acrididae, Elateridae, Cephidae, Carabidae and Scarabaeidae. All phytophagous insects were divided into 6 orders: Bubble-legged or Thrips (Thysanoptera), Hemiptera or bugs (Hemiptera), Diptera (Diptera), Coleoptera or Beetles (Coleoptera), Straight-winged (Ortoptera), Hymenoptera (Hymenoptera). Numerous species composition of phytophagous insects was observed in the orders of Hemiptera (39.0%), Diptera and Coleoptera (25.0% each). The majority of phytophagous insects fed only on vegetative parts of plants (64.0%) (roots, stems, and leaves), 7.0% of species fed on generative parts of plants (mainly grain feeding). 29.0% of the species had a mixed type of nutrition, on vegetative organs (mainly in the larval stage) and on generative organs (mainly imago). Among phytophagous insects, the proportion with a gnawing mouth was 54.0%, and the proportion with a sucking mouth was 46.0%. The species composition of openly living entomophages in the agrocenosis of winter wheat was diverse. It is represented by 6 detachments. The largest number of species was observed in the orders Coleoptera or Beetles (Coleoptera) and the order of Spiders (Araneae). Ladybugs (Coccinellids) dominated among entomophages, which were represented by 9 species.


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