The state of the material and technical base of the reclamation complex and the assessment of the effectiveness of its modernization


  • Larisa Anatolievna Zhuravleva Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy



algorithm, reclamation complex, material and technical base, innovation, structure, modernization


The material and technical base is considered the foundation of any production process and has its own specifics in each industry. Nevertheless, at present its condition in the reclamation complex is unsatisfactory. The purpose was to analyze the features of the material and technical base of the reclamation complex and evaluate the effectiveness of its modernization. The article presents an assessment of the use of the resource potential of the reclamation complex, the principles of improving the material and technical base. The structure of the material and technical base of the reclamation complex, the factors of formation and tools to ensure modernization, replenishment and renewal are characterized. The instruments of implementation of innovation policy are considered. An algorithm for determining the need for modernization, planning and updating of the material and technical base and evaluation efficiency criteria is proposed.


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