Magpie cleaning device for cleaning the pre-chamber of the pumping station from sediment


  • Nikolay Fedorovich Ryzhko Volga Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Land Reclamati
  • Sergey Nikolaevich Ryzhko Volga Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Land Reclamation
  • Evgeny Aleksandrovich Shishenin Volga Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Land Reclamation
  • Evgeny Stanislavovich Smirnov Volga Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Land Reclamation
  • Anatoly Sergeevich Chulenev Moscow State University of Civil Engineering



irrigation system, pumping station, an advance chamber, water treatment device, conveyor, sediment species composition, sediment mass, irrigation season period


The purpose of the work is to develop, test and evaluate the efficiency of the water treatment device at the water intake of the pumping station. The article provides an analysis of the existing designs of water intakes at pumping stations of irrigation systems of the Saratov region. A brief description of the device and operation of the developed conveyor-type water treatment device mounted on the water intake of the pumping station No. 4 of the Engels OS is given. Studies have established the species composition and mass of sediment entering the grid during the irrigation period. When filling the channel (May 20), a large mass of sediment in the form of branches, stems and leaves of plants was observed in the ante-chamber. At the first watering, the mass of the removed dry sediment is small ? 2-3 kg. With the second watering, the weight of the sediment increases to 14 kg. The maximum mass of sediment was removed from the pre-chamber during the third and fourth watering (July, August), and reached 17, 21 and 24 kg. In addition to branches, stems and leaves, a large amount of algae, mud, duckweed and a small amount of household garbage were observed in it. The cleaning time of the ante-chamber in front of the conveyor varied from 10 to 60 minutes. The developed water treatment device showed reliable operation, reduced labor costs for cleaning the ante-chamber and ensured the uninterrupted operation of the pumping station during the irrigation period. Proposals for further improvement of the water purification device have been developed.


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