Influence of tillage methods and biological fertilizers on the yield of spring rapeseed and winter wheat in forest-steppe conditions


  • Dmitry Valerievich Vinogradov Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
  • Tatiana Vladimirovna Zubkova Yelets State University named I.A. Bunin



winter wheat, rapeseed, fertilizers, tillage, yield


The following tillage options have been studied: plowing (Kverneland PN/RN plow, Kverneland base model), cultivation (Rusich KPP-12 cultivator with a two-row spring-roller attachment), chiseling (chisel cultivator for continuous tillage, KCH 5.1). Fertilizers Ora start, Azotovite, Phosphatovite, Ecorost were used in the experiment. According to the research results, it was found that the maximum increase was obtained on variants with chisel tillage. On wheat crops, high yields were recorded, where the preparations Ora start, 1,5 l/t, Azotovite, 0,5 l/ha + Phosphatovite, 0,5 l/ha (+25,1%), Ora start, 1,5 l/t, Ecorost, 0,5 l/ha (+22,9%) were used. High yield of spring rapeseed was revealed on the variant with chiseling, and the joint action of Ora start, 1,5 l/t, Azotovite, 0,5 l/ha + Phosphatovite, 0,5 l/ha (2,53 t/ha).


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