Climate-oriented breeding of spring barley in arid regions


  • Alexey Vasilievich Ilyin Krasnokutskaya breeding experimental station – branch of the FSBSO «FCAR of the South-East region»
  • Irina Aleksandrovna Sharganova Krasnokutskaya breeding experimental station – branch of the FSBSO «FCAR of the South-East region»
  • Irina Igorevna Demakina FSBSO «FCAR of the South-East region»
  • Sergey Sergeevich Derevyagin FSBSO «FCAR of the South-East region»



variety, breeding line, productivity, plasticity, stability, drought resistance


The article presents the results of the study of collection samples of spring barley. The aim of the research was to assess the prospects of breeding lines of spring barley for the agro-industrial complex of regions with different climate aridity. The studies were carried in 2011-2021 out at the Krasnokutskaya breeding experimental station (experimental field coordinates 50.914000, 47.068300, Krasnokutsky district of the Saratov region). Predecessor - fallow, accounting area of plots - 25 sq.m. During the period of study of the material, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2018 were dry years (the total precipitation during the growing season was 42.8-50.3 mm, HTC 0.30-0.46). In 2019, spring barley crops almost died due to a severe frost in the three-leaf phase and the subsequent severe drought (only 4.9 mm of precipitation fell during the growing season, the HTC was 0.03), so data for this year are not provided. As relatively favorable, 2011, 2016, 2017, 2020 and 2021 can be distinguished (the total precipitation for the growing season is 81.0-135 mm, HTC 0.61-0.97). During 2011-2021 indicators of productivity, plasticity, stability and drought resistance of spring barley varieties bred over a 100-year period at the Krasnokutsk breeding experimental station were evaluated. It was revealed that the average productivity of barley varieties increased by 57.9%, and in the years of acute droughts it almost doubled. Analysis by the same parameters of 5 promising lines in 2017-2021. made it possible to differentiate their potential for regions with different aridity. In the zone with low aridity (more than 7 million hectares of arable land in the Right Bank of the Saratov, Penza and Samara, Volgograd, Ulyanovsk regions), the Nutans 244 and Medicum 276 lines, which are responsive to additional moisture, have the greatest potential. In areas with moderate aridity (about 10 million hectares arable land in the Lower Volga region), samples Nutans 296 and Medicum 247 will have an advantage. In areas with high aridity (more than 6 million hectares of arable land in the Left Bank of the Saratov, Volgograd, Astrakhan regions, Kalmykia), the Medicum 270 line can show high efficiency. These features will be taken into account during further transfer to variety testing.


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