Influence of seeding rates and fertilizer doses on the grain quality of spring soft wheat


  • Sabir Vagidovich Kadyrov Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter the Great
  • Valentina Alekseevna Zadorozhnaya Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter the Great
  • Nadezhda Vladimirovna Podlesnykh Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter the Great
  • Vladimir Nikolaevich Obraztsov Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter the Great



grain quality, wheat, seeding rate, fertilizer doses


The key problem in modern grain production is to improve the quality of grain grown. This problem is most acute in the production of wheat grain, as the main food crop of our country. In the conditions of the Voronezh region, field studies were conducted on the study of various seeding rates (2, 3, 4, 5, 6 million pieces of germinating seeds per 1 ha) and non-root fertilizing with nitrogen for the quality of wheat grain of the Buzzard variety. The results of the studies showed that the protein in wheat grain was formed with a small proportion of dependence on seeding rates and increased by 0.2?0.8% with an increase in the background of nitrogen mineral nutrition. Against the background of N30, a pattern was noted in increasing the gluten content with a decrease in the seeding rate. Against the background of nitrogen fertilizing (N45), the opposite effect is observed - with an increase in the seeding rate, the amount of gluten in the wheat grain increased. The quality of gluten of classes I and II was obtained from wheat grain on crops with a seeding rate of 2; 4; 6 million pieces/ha. The improvement in gluten quality depended to a greater extent on the increase in the background nitrogen nutrition on crops with seeding rates of 2 and 4 million pcs./ha, and in the variant with a seeding rate of 6 million/ha – on the background of N30. The nature of grain did not depend on seeding rates and nitrogen nutrition rates. The most responsive indicator to seeding rates and quality of fertilizers was the weight of 1000 seeds. With an increase in seeding rates, the weight of 1000 seeds decreased, and vice versa, with an improvement in nitrogen nutrition, it increased. The best quality grain was formed in the variant when sowing 6 million pieces/ha against the backdrop of fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizer N45.


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