Associations of CAST, GH gene polymorphism in young sheep with a blood type of ? Charolais + ? Kalmyk kurdyuchnaya with measurements of body articles and indices of physique


  • Vladimir Anikeevich Pogodaev North Caucasus Federal Agricultural Research Center
  • Evgenia Semenovna Surzhikova North Caucasus Federal Agricultural Research Center
  • Daria Dmitrievna Evlagina North Caucasus Federal Agricultural Research Center
  • Anatoly Nimeevich Arilov Kalmyk Research Institute – branch of the FSBI "PAFSC RAS"



sheep, polymorphism, genes, Kalmyk broad-tailed breed, charolais, measurements, physique indices


To increase the production of meat productivity, it is necessary to improve the genetic resources of sheep. The purpose of this work was to establish the allelic spectrum of the calpastatin (CAST) and somatotropin (GH) genes, and their associations with meat productivity in young animals of mixed stock with a bloodline of ? Charolais + ? Kalmyk chicken and to identify the effects of polymorphism of gene markers on the exterior parameters of young animals. The object of the study is the repair young sheep reared in the farm "Arl" of the Yashkul district of the Republic of Kalmykia. The PCR-PDRF method determined the allelic spectrum of genes: calpastatin (CAST), somatotropin (GH), in young hybrids with a blood type of ? Charolais + ? Kalmyk chicken. The superiority of the CASTM allele (0.78) over the frequency of occurrence of the selectively significant CASTN allele (0.22) was noted in the calpastatin gene in crossbreed livestock. According to the growth hormone gene, molecular genetic analysis showed that the frequency of occurrence of the GHA allele in young mixed sheep was 0.88, and the frequency of occurrence of the selectively significant GHB allele was 0.12. A comparative analysis of the live weight of animals with different genotypes showed that sheep and sheep carriers of heterozygous CASTMN and GHAB genotypes have higher live weight indicators than their peers with homozygous CASTMM and GHAA genotypes. Measurements of articles of exterior and indices of physique depending on genotypes are described, since their use allows breeders to determine the type of constitution, individual characteristics, degree and proportionality of the development of the organism, age variability, condition and ability to a particular productivity.


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