Evaluation of the resistance of peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) varieties to the main diseases under the subtropic climate of the Krasnodar region


  • Nikolai Nikolaevich Leonov Subtropical Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Nikita Valerievich Ryazantsev Saratov State University of Genetics, Biotechnology and Engineering named after N.I. Vavilov




curl, clasterosporiosis, moniliosis, peach, disease resistance, variety


The article presents the results of studies conducted in 2018–2021 on the basis of collection peach plantings of the Subtropical Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The resistance of 48 promising peach varieties to the main fungal diseases in the subtropical zone of Russia - curl, clasterosporiosis and moniliosis - was studied. The most resistant peach varieties to curl in subtropical conditions can be recommended as new plantings: early ripening ones - Pushistyy ranniy, Summerset, Favorita Morettini, Amsden, Madeleine Pouille; mid ripening varieties - Redhaven, Anton Chekhov, Laika, Osenny Surprise, Larisa; late ripening variety - Lebedev. Peach varieties with very high resistance to clasterosporiosis have been identified: early ripening ones - Amsden, Madeleine Pouillet; mid ripening varieties - Anton Chekhov, Laika, Larisa, Osenny Surprise, Redhaven; late ripening variety - Veteran. Very high resistance to moniliosis have such early ripening varieties - Plamenny, Medin red, Collins, Pushistyy ranniy, Maycrest, Springold, Early Blow, Favorita Morettini, Early Red; medium ripening varieties  Larisa, Laika; and late ripening vazriety Lebedev.


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