On the influence of design and technological parameters of the cutting mechanism of a disk chipper on the release of chips


  • Olga Aleksandrovna Fomina State Agrarian University of Northern Trans-Urals
  • Sergey Vladimirovich Fokin Saratov State University of Genetics, Biotechnology and Engineering named after N.I. Vavilov
  • Anastasiya Vladimirovna Kastornova State Agrarian University of Northern Trans-Urals




casing, chipping disk, blades, technological parameters, design parameters, wood chips, disk chipper


The results of studies of the design and technological parameters of the cutting mechanism and the working process of removing chips from the casing of a disk chipper, with an upper location of the chip line using blades and a chipping disk, are presented. The peculiarity of the process of this method of moving chips is based on the use of kinetic energy, a chipping disk rotating at a certain speed, and blades located on it, from which the chips, receiving a certain amount of energy, tend in the air flow through the upper outlet to its collection point. Despite all the manufacturability of this method, it still has certain imperfections, one of the most significant is that the process of removing chips is sometimes not stable, due to its settling at the bottom of the casing and getting stuck in the sinuses of the disk. Very cramped conditions in the disc casing reduce the flight speed of the chips and, probably, change their trajectory, as a result, they have a decelerating effect on the movement of the chips, which reduces the efficiency of the unit of this mechanism. It has been established that the design and technological parameters of the casing, disc and blades of the chipper have a significant effect on the removal of fine chips from the casing of the chipper, which is formed in significant quantities as a result of grinding during movement, from impacts on the fixed and moving elements of the machine, which reduces the performance of the entire mechanism.


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