Resistance of potato hybrids to viral and fungal diseases in the conditions of the North Caucasus region


  • Liana Merabovna Kelekhsashvili Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Fatima Tamerlanovna Gerieva Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Hetag Totrazovich Dzedaev Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences



potatoes, viral and fungal diseases, hybrids, resistance


The article reflects the results of phytopathological monitoring of the resistance of potato hybrids to the most common diseases. The features of the development of major diseases in the soil and climatic conditions of the North Caucasus region are studied. The quality of the seed material was determined visually by evaluating each plant during periods of full germination and flowering. The percentage of plants affected by diseases was calculated in relation to the total number. The research was carried out on the basis of the laboratory of Molecular genetic research of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences using an instrument and hardware line for PCR analysis. On average, over the years of research, hybrids were most affected by mottled mosaics 15/2961-2 (13.3 %), 1/2803-1 (8.3 %), 8/2975.15 (8.3 %), 8/2975.15(8.3 %). 89% of hybrids showed high resistance to wrinkled mosaic. Symptoms of leaf twisting have been noted in hybrids 8/2869-1 (1.7 %), 1714/3 (2.5 %), 19/2983 (1.7 %). Potato hybrids were not affected by the black stem. 71.8% of cultivars showed a sufficiently high resistance to late blight. 12 hybrids (30.7%) showed high resistance to rhizoctoniosis. During the research, valuable phytopathogen-free material was identified for further breeding work to create disease-resistant potato varieties.


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