
  • Сергей Аркадьевич Богатырев Саратовский ГАУ
  • Феликс Яковлевич Рудик Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Saratov State Agrarian University named after NI Vavilov"




sugar beet, sugar beet shavings, knives, wear, cutting, grinding, operating time, renouncement


In the article the features of grinding sugar beet into shavings in centrifugal beet cutter  are analyzed. Domestic sugar-processing enterprises are characterized by a low degree of extraction of the final product from raw materials. Losses due to waste reach up to 1/3 and are dependent on the stage of grinding into chips. It is known that extraction of sucrose requires knives of the original configuration, special strength and unevenly distributed hardness from the core to the surface. Special conditions of grinding lead to the need for frequent sharpening due to intensive wear of the cutting edges, as well as to replacement due to the appearance of deformations and the appearance of fractures of the working faces. In this regard, the study of the causes of loss of efficiency of knives, their low resource in comparison with the basic details of a beet cutter, as well as the lack of efficient technological processes for repair, restoration and hardening is relevant. In the article, based on the reasons for the rapid deterioration of knives and the deterioration of the quality of chips, effective measures have been proposed to increase wear resistance, increase the operating time for centrifugal cutting rods and improve the physico-mechanical characteristics of sucrose-containing chips.


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Author Biography

Феликс Яковлевич Рудик, Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Saratov State Agrarian University named after NI Vavilov"

doctor of technical sciences, professor Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Saratov State Agrarian University named after NI Vavilov"


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