
  • Олеся Сергеевна Видягина Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov



Mycobacterium bovis BCG, selenium nanoparticles, micelles, immunization


The adjuvant properties of micelles of nonionic detergent and E. coli lipids, as well as of selenium nanoparticles, were studied in the course of immunization with antigens of the diagnostic tuberculin (). As the structural basis of micelles, a commercial non-ionic detergent Triton X-114 or Escherichia coli Б-5 lipids isolated from bacterial cells by Folch extraction were used. Particles of reduced selenium were obtained by reducing selenious acid with sodium thiosulfate in the presence of PPD. Micelles of lipid E. B-5 with PPD antigens were obtained by hydration of a dry film of lipids of the bacteria together with PPD The Triton X-114 micelles were prepared by dissolving the detergent in the PPD solution. The formation of antibodies against PPD and Mycobacterium bovis BCG cells was studied in immunization of white mice with these constructs in comparison with the PPD immunization, using the indirect dot-immunoassay method, as well as immunoturbodimetrically.

Immunization of mice with E. coli B-5 lipid or Triton X-114 micelles bearing PPD leads to the formation of antibodies against tuberculin antigens higher than for immunization with PDD itself. Immunization with all drugs, including PPD, leads to the formation of antibodies that recognize M. bovis BCG cells, but the highest levels of antibodies are observed in the blood plasma of animals receiving lipid E. coli B-5 or Triton X-114 micelles. The obtained results indicate the possibility of using micelles and selenium nanoparticles as an adjuvant for immunization with mycobacterial antigens.


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Author Biography

Олеся Сергеевна Видягина, Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov

Post-graduate Student 


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