The effect of equilibration conditions on the viability of vitrified bovine oocytes of cows


  • Галина Петровна Маленко Centre of Experimental Embryology and Reproductive Biotechnology
  • Анастасия Борисовна Романова Centre of Experimental Embryology and Reproductive Biotechnology
  • Артем Владимирович Бригида Centre of Experimental Embryology and Reproductive Biotechnology
  • Екатерина Валерьевна Корниенко Centre of Experimental Embryology and Reproductive Biotechnology



oocyte, vitrification, bovine, triacetate cellulose hollow fibers


The effect of the equilibration conditions on the viability of in vitro matured bovine oocytes after vitrification in triacetate cellulose hollow fibers was evaluated in the current work. Results show that one of the factors impacting survival rates of vitrified bovine oocytes is the reduction of hyperosmotic strass by the means of decreasing of cryoprotectant concentration in equilibration solution.



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Author Biographies

Галина Петровна Маленко, Centre of Experimental Embryology and Reproductive Biotechnology

 Doctor of Biological Sciences

Анастасия Борисовна Романова, Centre of Experimental Embryology and Reproductive Biotechnology

Junior Researcher

Артем Владимирович Бригида, Centre of Experimental Embryology and Reproductive Biotechnology

Head of the Department

Екатерина Валерьевна Корниенко, Centre of Experimental Embryology and Reproductive Biotechnology



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