The ways and means of Express-diagnostics of plants for protected ground


  • Elena Mikhailovna Basarygina South Ural state agricultural university
  • Evgenia Alexandrovna Zakharova South Ural State University
  • Alexander Vladimirovich Shershnev South Ural state university
  • Elena Olegovna Gorshkova Agrokompleks “Churilovo”
  • Denis Viktorovich Davydov South Ural state university



express diagnostics of plants, protected soil, photometric measuring equipment, absorption spectrum of leaf, nutrients, yield


The article deals with the results of studies related to the testing of the proposed method of rapid diagnosis of plants conducted in the production conditions of Agrocomplex "Churilovo". It was found that the absorption spectrum of the leaf apparatus of cucumber plants in the control variant (substrate – mineral wool) and the experimental variant (substrate - agroperlite) differed insignificantly: the arithmetic mean values of chlorophyll absorption in the control and experiment were 3,668 and 3,772, respectively; carotenoid absorption - 3,560 and 3,403; cytochrome absorption - 2,681 and 2,645, respectively. There were minor differences in the content of micro - and macronutrients in plant leaves and yield. It is revealed that the proposed method of rapid diagnosis, based on the analysis of the absorption spectra of the sheet apparatus, allows to obtain results comparable to the results of chemical analysis and yield assessment, and can be used to diagnose the condition of plants.


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Author Biographies

Elena Mikhailovna Basarygina, South Ural state agricultural university

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Evgenia Alexandrovna Zakharova, South Ural State University

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Alexander Vladimirovich Shershnev, South Ural state university

post-graduate student 

Elena Olegovna Gorshkova, Agrokompleks “Churilovo”

Chief agronomist 

Denis Viktorovich Davydov, South Ural state university

post-graduate student 


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