Energy-saving technology of delivery and distribution of coarse and succulent feeds in animal breeding


  • Petr Vladimirovich Zaytsev Chuvash State Agricultural Academy
  • Sergey Petrovich Zaitsev Chuvash State Agricultural Academy
  • Nadezhda Petrovna Zaytseva Chuvash State Agricultural Academy



ratchet mechanism, mathematical model, discrete flow, fractional composition of feed, feed monolith, feed chopper


It is noted that an important reserve for improving the efficiency of livestock production is the use of advanced technologies, high-performance tools and the introduction of rational technological solutions. Therefore, a new mechanism is needed to change the feed rate of feed material to the feed stub depending on the height and density measurements of the feed in the bunker. The use of the proposed device in the lines of dispensing feed will reduce the irregularity of the issuance in half, and the establishment of rational modes of working bodies increases the efficiency of the use of the dispenser of the mobile dispenser of coarse and succulent feed.



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Author Biographies

Petr Vladimirovich Zaytsev, Chuvash State Agricultural Academy

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Sergey Petrovich Zaitsev, Chuvash State Agricultural Academy

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Nadezhda Petrovna Zaytseva, Chuvash State Agricultural Academy

Senior Teacher


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