Constitutional and production features of the cross of the Kalmyk breed with Aberdeen-Angus breed of cattle


  • Zagir Gasanovich Gadzhiyev Veles LLC
  • Oleg Igrisovich Biryukov Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov



gobies, cows, Kalmyk breed, Aberdeen-Angus breed, crossing, hybrid, development, growth intensity, productivity


The results of the crossing of the Kalmyk cows with the Aberdeen Angus breed are presented. The indicators of growth and development in crossbred bulls in comparison with purebred from birth to 8 months of age were studied. It was proved that crossbred gobies in the Aberdeen-Angus breed at 8 months of age significantly exceeded the control Kalmyk breed in live weight by 41.40 kg or 19.1%. They also possessed the best exterior in terms of the development of meat forms and the ratio of articles of physique. In terms of the depth of the chest, superiority was 6.05 cm or 12.5%  (P?0.999), the width of the chest behind the shoulder blades was 5.73 cm or 19.4% (P?0.999), and 6.3 cm in the oblique body length or 5.4% (P?0.95). The ratio of the articles of constitution was also in favor of the crossbred bulls. In general, they were characterized by a wider and rounded chest and a somewhat longer body length. According to the massiveness index, the advantage was 5.25% (Р?0.95).


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Author Biographies

Zagir Gasanovich Gadzhiyev, Veles LLC

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

Oleg Igrisovich Biryukov, Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences


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Zootechnics and veterinary