Economic and biological characteristics of apple varieties on rootstocks of different growth strength


  • Marina Gennadievna Kostenko Pre-Caspian Agrarian Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences



apple tree, scion-rootstock combinations, variety, crown projection area, stem cross-sectional area, fruiting, productivity


To create intensive apple plantations, the features of the development of varieties and rootstocks are relevant, which allow us to determine their potential suitability for cultivation. Studies on the study of economically valuable indicators of apple varieties on rootstocks of various growth strengths were conducted over five years (from 2016 to 2020) at the experimental plot of the fruit garden of the Federal state budgetary scientific institution «Pre-Caspian agrarian federal scientific center of the Russian academy of Sciences» in the plantings of 2011 planting. The article presents the results studies of the features of the growth and development of apple varieties RenetSimirenko and Aidared, grafted on rootstocks of different growth strength of the selection of the North Caucasian FSCHVW: dwarf – SK 3, SK 4, SK 7, M 9 (control); semi-dwarf – SK 2, SK 5, M 26 (control); medium-sized – SK 1, M 4 (control). The comparative characteristics of biometric indicators, productivity and productivity of apple-tree scion-rootstock combinations are given. The influence of rootstocks of different growth forces on the height of trees, crown formation and the cross-sectional area of the stem was revealed. The variety Renet Simirenko, grafted on all the studied rootstocks, exceeded the corresponding control indicators by 0.5…2.5 m2 in the area of the crown projection. According to a number of biometric indicators, trees of the Idared variety grew significantly weaker than the control on SK 4 (tree height, crown volume, stem cross-section area). The highest productivity, which exceeded the control indicators by 4.2...17.6 kg/tree, was characterized by the variety Renet Simirenko, grafted on rootstocks SK 3, SK 4, SK 2, as well as Idared on SK 2, SK 5 and SK 1.


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