Determination of the economic efficiency of improved cowhide cleaning procedures


  • Elnura Rafat Juvarlinskaya Azerbaijan State University Agrarian University
  • Gabil Balakishi Mamedov Azerbaijan State University Agrarian University



cattle, skin cleaning, mechanical cleaning, cleaning design, constructive improvement


The inability of the skin to fully perform its function leads to a decrease in the productivity of the animal, a decrease in the quality of products, the disease of animals and their withdrawal from production. The purpose of the study is to constructively improve the existing device for cleaning cowhide skins and determine its economic efficiency. The methodology is based on the development of a variant of the idea with a critical analysis of the design schemes of existing devices for cleaning cowhide skins. The purpose of the refinement is to increase the cleansing effect. The new features added to the design are aimed at increasing the cleansing effect. The flat end of the wheel-shaped box is made of blunt flat rough rigid cleaning elements from the bristles of the bristles coming out of the perforated holes.Cleaning is carried out mainly by rigid cleaning elements, and the fact that their flat side in the direction of rotational movement serves to mechanically disperse and comb out hard dirt stuck to the animal's fur. This allows you to choose a design in accordance with the different degree of contamination of the animal's skin, which contributes to an increase in the cleansing effect. The annual economic efficiency of application of the developed design in production conditions is calculated.


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