The effect of ultra-dispersive humate-sapropel suspension on the digestibility of nutrients in the diet


  • Tatiana Borisovna Lashkova Novgorod Research Institute of Agriculture - St. Petersburg branch of the FIT RAS
  • Galina Vasilievna Petrova Novgorod Research Institute of Agriculture - St. Petersburg branch of the FIT RAS
  • Maria Yurievna Zhukova Novgorod Research Institute of Agriculture - St. Petersburg branch of the FIT RAS
  • Alexey Savelievich Mityukov Institute of Lake Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences



humate-sapropel suspension, diet, nutritional value, digestibility, feed additives


The article presents the results of the effectiveness of the use of ultra dispersionhumate-sapropel suspension (UDGSS ) in the diets of heifers selected for insemination. The use of UDGSS allowed one to increase the absorption of nutrients from the diet, to increase the digestibility coefficients in the experimental groups. Thus, the value of the dry matter digestibility coefficient in the first experimental group increased by 1.3%, and by 1.9% in the second one. Organic matter was also absorbed better (by 5.4  and 7.4%, respectively) in the groups fed with UDGSS in the main diet - 20 and 25 ml/head/day. It was found out  that the UDGSS improved the fruitful insemination of heifers by 25-50%, depending on the dose of the preparation.


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