The study of promising breeding potato hybrids for irrigated conditions of the steppe zone of the Orenburg region


  • Alexander Alekseevich Mushinskiy Federal Scientific Center for Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies RAS
  • Aliia Zhonysovna Saudabaeva Federal Scientific Center for Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies RAS
  • Denis Aleksandrovich Tyurikov Federal Scientific Center for Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies RAS
  • Nina Anatolievna Pron’ko Saratov State University of Genetics, Biotechnology and Engineering named after N.I. Vavilov



hybrid, potatoes, productivity, marketability, pathogen


The study of the potential for the formation of yield and susceptibility to the main common pathogens in breeding potato hybrids was carried out on an irrigated plot of the KFH "Khomutsky V.I." Perevolotsky district of the Orenburg region in 2019-2022 The soil cover of the experimental plot is southern chernozem, medium-humus, medium-thick. The objects of the study were 8 breeding hybrids - 48.64.24 (M), 47.07-5 (M), 45.82-12 (M), 46.05.23 (M), 12.1-7 (M), M 11.58.3, M 11.64. 2, M 14.12.32 and standard grade Nevsky. Of the 8 hybrids studied over 3 years of testing, only 71 % form a yield higher than that of the standard variety, the remaining 29 % are significantly lower. During the same period, 50% of the studied hybrids were affected by common pathogens, potato tubers were affected by stolon rot in breeding hybrids: M 11.64.2 (8.3 %), common scab 47.07-5 (M) (11 %), 48.64-24 (M) (0,4 %), 45.82-12 (M) (25.7 %). As a result of the work, a promising potato breeding material for further work was identified, combining low damage with increased yields - 46.05-23 (47,2 t/ha) and 48.64-24 (41,8 t/ha).


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