The influence of systems of practices of basic tillage soil in combination with the use of nitrogen fertilizer on the yield of winter wheat varieties in the conditions of the Lower Volga region


  • Zakiulla Mtyullovich Azizov Federal State Budgetary Institution "FANC of the South-East"
  • Vladimir Viktorovich Arkhipov Federal State Budgetary Institution "FANC of the South-East"
  • Ildar Garifullovich Imashev Federal State Budgetary Institution "FANC of the South-East"
  • Larisa Borisovna Saifullina Federal State Budgetary Institution "FANC of the South-East"



methods of basic soil tillage, nitrogen fertilizer, winter wheat varieties, yield, economic efficiency



Annotation.In the conditions of the arid steppe of the Lower Volga region, on the chernozems of the southern heavily carbonaceous in three-year field stationary three-factor experiments, the reaction of winter wheat varieties selected by the Federal State Budgetary Establishment "FANC of the South-East" was studied. Winter wheat was cultivated according to different systems of methods of basic tillage during the application of nitrogen fertilizer and without it. The maximum possible yield and the best economic and energy indicators for all varieties has the variant 4 with a system of combinations methods of basic tillage, where traditional moldboard treatment to a depth of 20...22 cm with a conventional reversible plow is carried out under spring wheat (28... 30 cm after one rotation of the crop rotation), finemoldboard treatment shallow dump processing to a depth of 14...16 cm with a topsoil plow bottom - under millet, disking in 2 passes to a depth of 8... 10 cm under a fallow. The largest yield  (3.56 t/ha), the level of profitability (99.8 %), the lowest cost expenses per 1 ton of grain (5020.06 rubles/t), labor expenses (1.48 people-hour), fuel expenses (18.04 kg) and energy expenses (3346 MJ) has the  ZhemchuzhinaPovolzhya variety.   


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