Yield and feed value of aboveground soybean biomass of northern ecotype varieties in the conditions of the Central Non-Chernozem region


  • Mikhail Gennadievich Zagoruiko Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM
  • Marina Evgenievna Belyshkina Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM
  • Tamara Petrovna Kobozeva Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM




soybean varieties, productivity, yield, quality of plants and seeds


The results of field experiments (2019–2021) on the assessment of soybean varieties of the northern ecotype Okskaya, Svetnaya, Mageva on the productivity of aboveground biomass are presented, the prospects of using aboveground biomass for fodder purposes in the conditions of the Central Non-Chernozem region on medium-saline, sod-podzolic medium-loamy slightly humus soils, medium-supplied with phosphorus and potassium with a soil solution reaction close to neutral are substantiated. It was found out that, on average, according to experience, the maximum accumulation of aboveground biomass (raw and dry), protein and feed units is observed in the phase of full filling of seeds. The yield of aboveground biomass at the same time reaches 24.7 t/ha (raw) and 8.39 t/ ha (dry), the protein harvest is 1379 kg / ha, which is equivalent to 4.19 thousand f.u./ ha, while the collection of fodder units with a harvest of dry biomass exceeds the collection of fodder units with a harvest of seeds (3.21 thousand f.u./ha with a seed yield of 2.36 t/ha) by 0.98 thousand f.u., or 1.3 times.  On average, over the years of research, the maximum productivity and feed value was demonstrated by the Okskaya variety: the yield of crude aboveground biomass was 26.9 t/ha, of dry – 8.86 t/ha, the collection of raw protein with a yield of 1492 kg / ha, the yield of feed units was 3.10 thousand. The Mageva and Svetly varieties are inferior to the Okskaya variety: for the yield of crude aboveground biomass by 1.10–1.18 times (or by 2.20–4.20 t/ha), dry aboveground biomass by 1.05–1.12 times (or by 0.45–0.96 t/ha), for the collection of fodder units by 1.05–1.13 times (or by 0.23–0.24 thousand f.u./ha).


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