Chemical composition, physical and chemical properties and biological value of turkey muscle and adipose tissues using biogenic stimulants


  • Vladimir Anikeevich Pogodaev North Caucasus FARC
  • Irina Mukhamedovna Kardanova North Caucasus State Academy
  • Maiya Muratovna Aslanukova North Caucasus State Academy
  • Lev Ivanovich Konkov North Caucasus State Academy



turkeys, biogenic stimulants, muscle tissue, fatty tissue, chemical composition, Tryptophan, Hydroxyproline, tasting


The effectiveness of the biogenic stimulants action based on the larvae of the SITR bees drone brood and adult individuals of the ST drones on the chemical composition, physical and chemical, commodity technological properties, nutritional and biological value of the muscle and fatty tissues in young turkeys is studied. The turkey-poults of the 1st group received injections of a physiological salt solution, and the 2nd and 3rd experimental groups, respectively, of the SITR and ST biological stimulants, three times at the age of 1, 7 and 14 days at a dose of 0.1 ml per 50 g of live weight. It was established that in the middle sample of the muscle tissue in turkeys of the 2nd and 3rd experimental groups there were less water and more dry matter and protein. Biogenic stimulants contributed to the synthesis of muscle tissue in turkeys of the 2nd and 3rd experimental groups, in which contained 1.79 (B>0.999) and 1.31 (B>0.99) absolute % more protein and 0.32 and 0.23 absolute % less fat than in the control group. In the muscle tissue of turkeys stimulated with biogenic preparations, there were more tryptophan by 1.63 and 0.84 mg% and by 0.92 and 0.54 mg% less hydroxyproline than in turkeys at the same age of the control group. The protein-quality index of muscle tissue was higher in turkeys of the 2nd and 3rd experimental groups by 3.08 and 1.72% than in the control. The first place in the overall assessment of meat and broth quality was taken by the turkeys from the 2nd experimental group; the second place was taken by the turkeys of the third experimental group. Their superiority over the control group was 0.151 and 0.109 points, respectively. The fatty tissue of turkeys in all experimental groups has good quality and high digestibility indices. It has in its composition a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids; this indicates its high biological value.


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Author Biographies

Vladimir Anikeevich Pogodaev, North Caucasus FARC

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor

Irina Mukhamedovna Kardanova, North Caucasus State Academy

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

Maiya Muratovna Aslanukova, North Caucasus State Academy

Candidate of  Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor

Lev Ivanovich Konkov, North Caucasus State Academy

Candidate of  Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor


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